Kimmy Schwimmy’s paradigm is one of decided happiness. Endearingly considered an “ambassador for children,” her unwavering belief in and love for children, as well as her consistent validation of their choices, spirit and capacity for growth, has helped her garner an intimate following among children and adults alike. Her songs, when integrated into a 20-30 minute class, are purposeful in offering a variety of choices for the children so that by the end of the class, each child has been reached in one way or another. She incorporates simple sign language and a wide variety of props so even the shyest children can still find a reason to engage, whether through dinosaurs or airplanes or ribbons — and more! As a mother of three (her own children’s voices are featured on many of the songs), Kimmy relies on her own mother’s instincts when interacting with children, recognizing that each one is unique and has their own wonderful reason for being here.
Kimmy has most recently started Ow Wee Productions as a platform to further roll out content via videos and music and more as she collaborates with world-renowned, Brooklyn-based pop artist Ed Heck, who is responsible for drawing her characters to life.